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Movies I'd like to see

The score is based mainly on my viewing pleasure, basically how much I found the movie entertaining.

  1, Poor
  2, Fair
  3, Good
  4, Very Good
  5, Excellent

The special scores 0 and 6 are reserved for movies that were extremely poor or really outstanding.

View date Title Year Score
2021-01-03 Remo: Unarmed and Dangerous 1985 4/5 Campy and fun story where a USA top assassin kills an evil entrepreneur.
2021-01-03 Wall-E 2008 6/5 Thought-provoking science-fiction love story where an old cleaning robot follows a probe sent to check the now inhabitable Earth. Basically, the platonic ideal of movies.
2021-01-13 Zardoz 1974 4/5 Weird and visionary sci-fi movie with Sean Connery.

Previous years: 2019, 2020.

gg/movielog.1610560351.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/01/13 17:52 by paolo_bolzoni