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Personal notes about how to install and play the classic RPG game, Morrowind


You need:

  • GOG setup file, containing the game data,
  • innoextract, to unpack the game data,
  • OpenMW, a tes3 modern game engine,
  • portmod, a tool to install and manage mods.


Unpack the game data

The gog setup file setup_tes_morrowind_goty_2.0.0.7.exe needs to unpacked. In a temp directory we use innoextract to do so:

$ ls
$ mkdir morrsetup && cd morrsetup
$ innoextract ../setup_tes_morrowind_goty_2.0.0.7.exe
[...] long output omitted [...]
$ ls
app  tmp

The directory app contains all the game data we need. Move where you want to install the game. As example we want install in a games directory under the home

$ mv app ~/games/tes_morrowind
$ cd ..
$ rm -r morrsetup

In the installation directory (i.e., ~/games/tes_morrowind) is the Data Files directory. In the original morrowind.exe engine all mods had to be installed there; in OpenMW each mod is installed in a separate directory; so we create a copy that we will keep pristine for OpenMW and we keep the original Data Files if we need to use programs like the Construction Set that expect all their data to be in that directory.

$ cp -r 'Data Files' 'Data File OpenMW'

If we need to reset the Data Files directory to its original content, we can just delete it and copy back the OpenMW one.

To make the old-way to install mods easier we convert all filenames to lowercase.

$ convmv --notest --lower -r 'Data Files/'*

We have to ensure to make all filenames lowercase before copying in the old Data Files .

Configure OpenMW
tes/morrowind.1660735746.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/08/17 11:29 by paolo_bolzoni