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gg:movielog [2024/02/26 10:36]
gg:movielog [2024/05/10 11:46] (current)
paolo_bolzoni House of Usher
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 | 2024-02-22 | The Wrath | 1986 | 3/5 | A murdered man comes back with a powerful Dodge M4S Turbo Interceptor to slaughter his killers and get the girl. Would be a 2, but I say 3 thanks to the great soundtrack that includes many famous 1980s rock music hits. | | 2024-02-22 | The Wrath | 1986 | 3/5 | A murdered man comes back with a powerful Dodge M4S Turbo Interceptor to slaughter his killers and get the girl. Would be a 2, but I say 3 thanks to the great soundtrack that includes many famous 1980s rock music hits. |
 | 2024-02-25 |  Big Trouble in Little China: Fully Engorged Workprint ​ | 1986 | 6/5 | //Shut up, Mr. Burton! You were not brought upon this world to "get it!"// It is BTiLC extended with seven extra scenes. Even after several decades it is a great movie. //You know what Jack Burton always says... what the hell?// ​ | | 2024-02-25 |  Big Trouble in Little China: Fully Engorged Workprint ​ | 1986 | 6/5 | //Shut up, Mr. Burton! You were not brought upon this world to "get it!"// It is BTiLC extended with seven extra scenes. Even after several decades it is a great movie. //You know what Jack Burton always says... what the hell?// ​ |
 +| 2024-05-09 | House of Usher | 1960 | 3/5 | Paranoia or supernatural forces? Is the house alive? Is the evil making the people crazy, or the craziness makes living evil? A nice suspenseful horror. |
 Previous years: [[movielog2019|2019]],​ [[movielog2020|2020]],​ [[movielog2021|2021]],​ [[movielog2022|2022]]. Previous years: [[movielog2019|2019]],​ [[movielog2020|2020]],​ [[movielog2021|2021]],​ [[movielog2022|2022]].
gg/movielog.1708943773.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2024/02/26 10:36 by paolo_bolzoni